Our Services
International Conferences
Seminars & Webinars
We provide in-person and online short courses and seminars. For example:
“How to succeed as an overseas student”. This seminar is perfect for post-graduate students and lecturers planning to study overseas. It explores the academic expectations and the opportunities / challenges of adapting cross-culturally.
“Surviving your PhD!”. This seminar explores practical ways to successfully plan and complete a PhD.
“How to improve your English”. We help clients identify their specific language goals and provide training and support to improve the quality of their active English skills.
“Becoming an effective English teacher”. We run single or multiple day workshops providing practical skills for English Teachers to create a classroom atmosphere where students are actively using English and motivated to excel.
“Preparing for the IELTS exam.” In a multi-day seminar followed by online exercises we provide tips for success, practice speaking with a native speaker and feedback on essay writing.
“How to plan and publish your research in international journals”. We run single or multiple day workshops walking participants through research design, academic writing and publishing internationally. Particularly suitable for Post-graduate students and lecturers who supervise them. Click here for a brochure.
“How to present effectively at international conferences”. This workshop equips participants with the essential skills for effectively presenting their research in English at international conferences.
“Character before competence”. Drawing on a wealth of practical experience and theory, this workshop examines what are the critical components to be an effective leader in the 21st Century.
“Coaching – enabling your people to take initiative in overcoming obstacles”. This workshop explores what coaching is and how it can help people in your organisation to become effective leaders of themselves and others.
“Relating cross-culturally”. This workshop helps you to better understand Western cultures. It prepares you to successfully operate in a global environment and communicate across national and cultural boundaries
These are just a few examples of the work we do but get in touch so that we can tailor our services to your needs.